
Photo: Tomáš Vodňanský, ČRo

Haruna Honcoop is a Prague based Czech-Japanese documentary filmmaker. After graduating from Chinese studies at Charles University, she enrolled in the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU), where she is currently a PhD candidate writing about contemporary Chinese independent documentary film. As a film director, she made her debut with the experimental film essay Built to Last – Relics of Communist-Era Architecture (2017), which was awarded the Archfilm Lund festival prize. Her short film True or False (2016) won a prize at This Human World festival in Vienna. Her documentary film Olympic Halftime that deals with the architecture and urbanism of Olympic cities in Beijing, Tokyo, Paris and Athens premiered at Ji.hlava Intenational Documentary festival in 2023. Her newest project, a fiction-documentary film Annexions telling the story of annexations from German, French and Czech point-of-view premiered at Ostrava Kamera Oko festival in November 2023. Currently, she is working on a new documentary film project called I am Taiwanese.

She is a member of ARAS – Association of Czech Film Directors, Screenwriters and Script Editors and Czech Cultural and Creative Federation.

Besides her film & video work, she is a captain of Harukawa Boat in Prague.